Get Involved

The easiest way to get involved with Catch It In Time is to share one of our stories, spreading the word with your family and friends… However, there are tons of other ways to help! Make a tax-deductible contribution to the cause. Join us at one of our upcoming community events or sign-up as a volunteer. Contribute your own creative content or share your personal survivor story. Every little bit helps Catch It In Time in our mission to raise awareness for the early detection of cancer.

We are shining a light on cancer awareness, and you can help.

Catch It In Time Initiatives

Cancer Awareness Video Challenge 2018

Jenny’s Garden Video Series

Upcoming Community Events

Sign-up as a Catch It In Time Volunteer. Click Here >>

Supporting the Cancer Community

Catch It In Time works with research groups and advocacy programs for all types of cancers. We help raise greater awareness for these organizations and the important work they do with our video-storytelling platform.

A special thank you to our community partners! We greatly appreciate your support!